Tuesday 13 June 2017

Day 7 Romhany to Cserhatsurany

Tired, I slept very soundly until woken by bells calling the faithful to Mass at 5:00 am. Fortunately I soon fell back to sleep waking in time to visit the local Coop at 7:00 to get some breakfast which I ate on the patio outside my room.
The first ascent of the day was delayed by a walk along tarmac to the next village, then as yesterday it was through woods, passed fields of corn and meadows of hay, uphill then downhill for the rest of the day. My interest was raised by several notices pinned to trees advertising coffee, cake and ice cream. I am very partial to coffee and cake so looked forward to arriving at the establishment. Needless to say I was disappointed,  it was only open at weekends. A later signpost at another village also disappointed me, the Kavehaz (coffee house) was closed Mondays, cruel. I had to make do with a Coke and Cornetto from the convenience store.
Deep purple and blue flowers at the edge of cornfields and meadows were a feature of today's walk. Also iridescent blue-green beetles. Two of these I found upside down, helplessly waving their legs in the air. Thinking of my wife, who is always kind to animals, I did what she would have done and gently turned them over with a leaf. They looked shocked!
This appears a less frequented part of the Kektura with fewer waymarks, picnic benches and people. It was certainly hot. In the woods after the village of Cserhatsurany where I planned to camp, there were lots of gnats and aggressive mosquitoes wanting blood from my sweaty body. I quickly put up my tent and zipped myself in spending the rest of the evening in hiding.

A cornflower, one of the many beautiful flowers

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